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Become a Mayhew member

Make a positive difference to animals in need.

Mayhew is solely funded by amazing people just like you!

Become a member today for only £20 a year, and make a positive difference to the lives of hundreds of homeless cats and dogs in the UK and abroad.

Last year our Mayhew members helped us:

Find homes for 98 dogs

Find homes for 380 cats

Support 1,847 animals in the community

Complete 704 TheraPaws visits

Membership Package


Per Annum

Your membership pack will include:

Peace of mind with our pet registration service, which guarantees that Mayhew will look after of your pet if they were to outlive you (one animal per current Membership)

Your very own Mayhew Membership card

Our twice yearly magazine to keep you up to date with Mayhew

A copy of our annual report at the end of the financial year

An exclusive Mayhew pin badge

Other ways to donate

There are lots of ways you can get involved and help our rescued animals.

Learn more

We're here to help!

Please feel free to contact us if you would like more information or have any questions about Mayhew Membership.